Sunday, May 23, 2010

And I am really done...

It all gotten a bit much, so I left DJ-ing behind. I felt pigeonholed not only by what people expect of me but also by the expectations I set for myself. I want to be the best I can be, but if that means working in a structured format, please no! For structured formats I have a job, here in SL... I come to play. The activity that is being a DJ was more and more becoming a job.

Combine that with the gigazillion things that are coming my way in my private life, and that take up a boatload (and that is a standardized unit of measurement) of time, and you have a recipe for disaster... Well for a very stressed out DJ anyway. I already took it out once on my sis Emyly, and that is just not worth it. So this time around, I mean it. I QUIT! (DJ-ing that is)

1 comment:

  1. That's what family are for - taking things out on - cause they will always love you
